Bootstrap Themes

About Me

Thanks for stopping by my page! Have a look around. I am a Web Developer and IT Technician that enjoys playing Magic: The Gathering, watching movies and always on the hunt for good Korean BBQ. I am constantly adding new features and gizmos to my page!


A collection of some of my coding projects. I am always looking to improve my skills and welcome feedback. Please check out my GitHub!


Bootstrap Themes

Cocktail Generator Web Application

CocktailGunner is a web application that generates a chosen cocktail as well as its recipe and instructions of over 600+ cocktails.

This app utilizes Node.js, Express and Axios.

Bootstrap Themes

Password Manager

MyPass is a desktop password manager application made in Python that can create and save passwords for you on your system! Enter the website you want to enter followed by your email/username and password you want to set by clicking "Add".

You can click the "Generate Password" button to randomly generate a password for you. To find a password you set, type in the name of the Website it was saved under then click "Search."

The password will be auto-copied to your clipboard for easy pasting into websites.

Bootstrap Themes

Frogger-Style Game

TurtleRoad is a desktop game application made with Python! Get the turtle across the road without getting hit by a car.

Each level increases the speed of the cars as well as adds more to the road.